We provide core legal advice.

We have deliberately chosen to maintain a low cost base which enables us to offer our customers highly specialized legal advice at competitive rates.
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It is our core belief that qualified legal advice requires specialist legal knowledge, commercial insight and detailed knowledge of the industries we advise.

We only provide our services within selected legal areas and industries. This enables us to provide the specialization and insight and to provide the best possible legal advice. For an overview of our selected legal areas, and the industries we serve, please see below.


Equipment, Machinery and System Supplies
Retrofit, Service and Maintenance
Finance and Insurance Matters
Compliance, Export Control and Product Safety
Product Liability and Risk
Agency and Distribution
Joint Ventures and Co-operation Agreements
Dispute Resolution and Insurance
Regulatory Frameworks (IMO, EU)
Classification Societies
Dual Use
We have deep insights into the industry which enables us to advise on all matters related to transportation and logistics. Our practice includes both transactional work (sale & purchase and financing of vessels and other types of transport equipment) as well as wet work in the form of cargo claims, hull damages and insurance matters for all transportation modes. We have vast experience in advising on the transportation of complex project cargo.
We experience an increasing demand for tailor-made transportation and logistics solutions from export businesses that are desirous of outsourcing parts of or their entire supply chain management. 


Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Liability for the Design and Programming of Algorithms
Product Liability
Machine Learning
Liability Standards and Limitation of Liability
Regulatory Matters
Product Approval and Classification Requirements
Data Ownership, Rights and Licenses
Condition-Based and Preventive Maintenance
Remote Operators
Connectivity Services
Cyber Security and Cyber Risk Management
Insurance Matters
The NIS Directive
NIST Cyber Security Framework
We are deeply engaged in uncovering and addressing the regulatory, contractual and insurance challenges facing digitalisation, datadriven business models and the use of autonomous technologies for industrial application, namely within the transport sector (autonomous ships, drones and autonomous cars, trucks and trains). We advise on regulatory and contractual matters as well as liability and insurance matters for OEMs, system suppliers and sub-suppliers, hardware- and software manufacturers, programmers, system developers, system designers, classification societies, operators and owners.
We have extensive insight in the handling of ownership, rights and licenses to operational data from industrial products and applications as well as risk management and insurance in relation to cyber risks such as communication/connection loss, malicious cyberattacks and loss of data.
We have published expert reports on the Regulatory Barriers and Civil Liability and Insurance Matters for autonomous ships in close co-operation with Rambøll Management Consulting og Cefor (the Nordic Association of Marine Insurers). Based on such expert knowledge we advise on market leading projects on research and development, testing and application of new technologies. 
Our “Analysis af Regulatory Barriers for the Use of Autonomous Ships” completed in December 2017 on behalf of the Danish Maritime Authority in co-operation with Rambøll Management Consulting was submitted as the Danish contribution to IMO MSC99 as “information paper” (INF.3) in connection with IMO’s Regulatory Scoping Exercise for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (“MASS”).


Construction Agreements
Turnkey Agreements
EPC Contracts
Product Liability
Expert Appraisal
Dispute Resolution and Insurance
Project Development
Real Estate Investments
Commercial Leases
We advise turnkey contractors, main contractors and subcontractors, manufacturers, employers and technical advisors and project developers on all contractual aspects related to construction and infrastructure projects. We have significant experience in advising on dispute resolution, insurance matters and the completion of expert appraisals and safeguarding of evidence.
We are specialised in advising manufacturers and distributors of construction materials on product safety and product approval, liability and insurance matters as well as sales and procurement contracts and logistics and transport contracts.
We advise on international construction agreements and consortium co-operation within large scale construction projects, such as the construction of production facilities, infrastructure projects, power plants and onshore and offshore wind farms. 


Wind and Solar Power Projects
Turbine Supply and Installation Agreements
O&M Agreements
Equipment and System Supplies
EPC Contracts
Turnkey Agreements
Labour Hire Agreements
Retrofit, Service and Maintenance
Serial Defects, Product Liability and Risk
Export Control and Product Safety
Development and Co-operation Agreements
Disputes and Insurance Matters
Transport and Logistics
We have extensive experience in advising service and maintenance businesses as well as equipment and system suppliers within wind and solar power in relation to drafting, review, negotiation and amendments of contracts in all project phases. We are specialists in advising suppliers to offshore wind farms on contractual matters on erection, installation, transport, logistics, crane and lifting services, cabling maintenance, inspection and repair. 
Furthermore, we advise on dispute resolution, insurance and the financing of wind farms and solar projects.


International Trade
Agency and Distribution
Compliance and Export Control
Outsourcing of Supply
Procurement and Sales
Incoterms, Letters of Credit and Credit Insurance
Product Safety Regulation
Product Liability and Risk
Dispute Resolution and Insurance
We advise on the division of liability and risk management in all types of procurement and sales contracts and the setting up and structuring of agency and distribution networks. Export sales and related legal matters is a natural part of our practice and we advise on export control, documentary credit, Incoterms, credit insurance, cargo insurance and cargo claims. 
Furthermore, we advise on acquisitions and divestments as well as co-operation agreements, development agreements, joint ventures and dispute resolution and insurance matters.


Equipment, Machinery and System Supplies
Retrofit, Service and Maintenance
Finance and Insurance Matters
Compliance, Export Control and Product Safety
Product Liability and Risk
Agency and Distribution
Joint Ventures and Co-operation
Dispute Resolution and Insurance
Regulatory Frameworks (IMO, EU)
Classification Societies
Dual Use
We have significant experience in advising equipment and system suppliers, installation, service and maintenance businesses, insurers, yards, banks and owners/operators on all aspects within the marine industry and shipping.
We advise on contractual matters in relation to equipment and system supplies, new buildings and modification works/repairs and retrofit projects as well as financing, dispute resolution and insurance matters. We offer extensive experience in advising on the sales structures applied in the marine industry. 
We have special insight in the regulatory framework surrounding classification societies and in relation to production, approval and quality requirements for marine equipment as well as the IMO and EU regulations of the marine industry, including environmental and emission regulations (SOLAS, MARPOL and the Marine Equipment Directive).
Furthermore, we have specialist knowledge within the legal and regulatory aspects of autonomous ships and digital ship technology. We have published expert reports on autonomous ships and digital ship technology in close co-operation with leading advisors and industry organisations.

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